Meet the CFOs of top merchant and non-interest banks in Nigeria –

1 week ago 5

Globally, Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) play a pivotal role in the financial landscape, serving as key architects of financial strategies and operational success….READ FULL ARTICLE

Positioned at the management forefront, they oversee critical functions such as financial planning, risk management, and investment strategies.

Additionally, they manage finance and accounting divisions, ensuring the accurate and timely completion of financial reports. By leveraging their financial expertise and strategic insight, CFOs navigate industry complexities to safeguard institutional stability.

Against the backdrop of the new CBN’s directives regarding banking recapitalisation, the minimum capital for merchant banks and non-interest banks was raised— in addition to commercial banks—as a way of strengthening their capacity to navigate the prevailing and possible future economic headwinds, enhance their resilience and solvency, and continue to support the growth of the Nigerian economy....READ FULL ARTICLE